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It is starting

Rain returns tomorrow here, hopefully filling our rain barrels back up, today Bob is driving me up to Tenino Wa. to the cannabis store then down the Jackson hwy to Sunbirds for yard goodies
Got some rain, nothing big, just a shower. Have a casual car show this weekend and it is usually a nice day, hope it remains that way.
My drive home this morning.


Been putting off driving the truck after driving the wheels off my Monaco. I've put almost 7,000 miles in the car since last April, most if those miles added since September last year. But I need to fix the exhaust again, so the truck will go into service tomorrow. Then I can get my things out of storage and get a Dart to the house, and enjoy the super nice weather we have been having, uppe 70's today. It's cool enough I leave the windows up on the way home.
84 outside, hardly a cloud, and I'm stuck inside feeling like crap from am allergic reaction to some medicine. What a way to spend a weekend.
Better than setting inside feeling like crap from over due it. Probably just as well on and off rain all day is not very exciting. The bright side is we are getting some heat relief. Tomorrow will be another day.
It's wet outside. Just a sprinkle I think, doesn't matter as we haven't gotten swamped this year, unlike our Missouri members.