Active Member
I'll grab a non-metallic feeler gauge set today and try that. I thought the coil either worked or didn't. If the car starts and idles, I assume the coil works. If it can weaken, I'm willing to replace it.
What was wrong with your original distributor? If you think it might be ok, put it back in and see if it runs different and now can be timed.
Do you have a known good distributor you can put in or does a friend have one you can try?
If crank timing and distributor timing are correct and not changing how could it be cam timing? Turn the crank backwards and check for timing chain slop. The distributor roter should move with crank rotation.
Use it all the time. Especially on new builds and when the small block distributor has been pulled. If you have a spark plug inline tester. Spark to the plug can be checked at the same time.I've read that this old points related method doesn't work on an electronic distributor. Anyone here tried this?
- EM
"Connect a test light to the distributor side of the coil with the ignition switch on. Turn the distributor against normal rotation past number 1 and then turn it with it till the light flashes. Then turn the distributor back to just before to light flashes. It should be real close to where the timing mark will be with it running."
Unhook your vacuum line from the distributor and plug the rubber line Then start and check the timming
Use it all the time. Especially on new builds and when the small block distributor has been pulled. If you have a spark plug inline tester. Spark to the plug can be checked at the same time.
Please clarify your test light and the connections you're using.