This post and the past few; since you joined FCBO I felt like there was at least one person who thought like I did. Those guys are stock, first and foremost, but it's a great site with tons of info, just like over on fabo except not quite as open minded.
Love the car the way it is. Take what y'all got, or can get and build a ride. Car, truck, cart for moving around injured players, whatever I don't care as long as you're not hacking up some pristine rare as a unicorn car, do whatever makes you happy. That's the only way I've done and will be able to do my rides. None are special numbers wise and won't be missed as stock.
And the last thing. No matter what, I've never really cared what other people think. I've never let it worry me that someone may not approve of me or what I have, cause I don't care.
Now I have to watch the video to see how it sounds compared to my car. What exhaust setup do you have?