Rude Robert
Active Member
Hi I have new rebuilt carburetor 2 barrel and a new choke thermostat too. I have been driving the truck for while now and I have not had the chance to adjust the choke. The choke plate if fully closed and in the mornings I have to use starting fluid to get it started, after that I can start it up just fine. My idle is okay but it fluctuates up then it will go back down when its warming up. I notice after I have been driving it some 34 miles both ways to work, when I stop at a red light the idle is high and doesn't go back down. When I turn off the truck and restart it, the idle is normal until I give it some gas then it stays up and wont go back down until I turn of the truck again. Would not having the choke adjusted be the cause of this? The old choke thermostat had some bends in it to adjust the carb, but the new one is just straight for now. I have replaced the carburetor before had never had this idle problem although have was always using the old choke thermostat. After church today I go back out there and work on it, I just wondered if anyone has some suggestions for me on this. Thank you for your help, Robert