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'65 Dodge A100 Monster Truck "Doomz Day" Model build

67 Power Wagon

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2015
Reaction score
So everyone,
As most may know, I'm a Moparian, YES I love almost EVERYTHING "Mopar" but.... the Dodge A100 (for whatever reason) has a special place in my heart, I would LOVE to build a real

one some day for a daily driver, OR have an A108 Van version, I just like the looks of the old A100!!!! SO, I wound up getting a model, of the Little Red wagon, going to be built

as it ought to be to Bill Goldens specs, BUT then, I wound up with a 2nd kit, and then a 3rd kit, and then a 4th kit, and now last but not least, found a partial 5th kit at a

yard sale that I plan to make a A108 Van from Jimmie Flintstone, as the 5th kit was missing the body, and some minor parts that I have. I have to somehow get a body for it but

that will come in due time. ANYWAY, off to the Monster Truck A100 we go......


Frame has been "beefed" up just a tad, (IF your familiar with the kit you'll know!) And then the suspension removed from the "Donor" truck to be fitted, BACKWARDS to the frame.

Why "backwards"? WELL the length of the truck and I wanted to keep the "Quad-Tracks" centered in the actual wheel openings of the truck. This was done by using the "shorter" end

of the suspension to the ends of the frame as these parts ARE NOT centered over the axles! All is mounted solid, and looks pretty clean, I may go back and add a bit more "beef"

in and around the mounts for the suspension...


AFTER the frame was sort of figured out, I had thought about engine, and placement. This engine as you know is pretty big! The length is even so, as well as width. SO, I took and

placed it all around in the bed to see what best "fits" the space, given and work with it. This required some pretty serious modifications. One such, was to cut off the tail cone

of the Transmission, As I wanted to keep the transfer case somewhat centered in the truck, like a older built, real one.


Because of the engines placement, and the intent of how I'm going to complete the top end of this engine, its going to be mounted, backwards! The Blower "Hat" will not be at all.

(I'm saving a few "secrets" here for a surprise when its all done!) But, there are some good ideas coming! But have a look at how wide this motor is!


Then the interior floor plating. I had to figure out how that was all going to work, I have yet to figure out radiator placement and such for the engine and how all of this will

come together, I thought about looking into a "gator 'net" for the tailgate and putting the radiator BEHIND the engine with a couple electric fnas on it to suck or push the air

though it the other way instead of the conventional way, it only needs cross flow of air to cool the fluid inside so.....


Then, I got an "under" shot....I think I have plenty of clearance, huh? AND there isn't any axles or Quads in place YET! I've got to build them!

ENJOY! More to follow!
So, Its been awhile and that time I had some SERIOUS thinking/designing to do on this model. Why might you ask? I need to add some stuff to the engine, and that "stuff" is that

"secret" I mentioned a while ago, and never gave anyone ANY influence on....WELL now, some of it, will come together!

Have a look for yourself:


Notice whats BEHIND the engine pointing to the FRONT of the truck! LOL Talk about serious horse power in plastic, only this detail is brass AND solder glued together and in some

areas actually "soldered" together....Adds a slight bit of weight, BUT looks the part, as I wanted it too! I have some "fill" to add here and there, that will be done from a tube

to sort of, close gaps and such with little to no sanding, if I can help it....THEN, I have to paint all of it....BUT It does need some more detail added before any of that can

be done, as I want to close the gaps up now as the detail will make that fill adding part of the build almost/near impossible!


NOTICE the exhaust pipes and where they go.....I think thats an AWESOME way to exit. Something different!!!!! I've also thought of adding a "Y" and having "stacks" with a box

that close flow to go one way or the other....Kinda like a "dump valve" or waste valve like used on a turbo set up to bypass induction, BUT, not yet, I've got some other details

to come up with first.....


As you can see, I got the aftercooler made to fit, and "placed" its NOT glued, nothing is, except whats on the motor as I have to get this all out of the body to paint the frame

and do other details with it not in place....SO, I've got to add a regular radiator yet, this will be a "stand-off" from the aftercooler, and will be "fed" by means of openings

in the rear of both front wheel wells....NOT the grill! You will see this as I approach that end of detailing the whole works!


This pic shows a little better of how the stock Mopar manifolds are coupled to the custom made turbo's....They will have another pipe coming off them, that will sit atop the

plenum that will sit on the carburetors that I still have to make, and then the intake air will go through a rather large blower "hat" but with NO "butterflies" in it.....Just a

set back-in, filter seen from the front of the truck....

Thats it for now, BUT a lot of detail for this is to come! Stay tuned!
So, a bit more to add to this build of mine.

I got the engine placement, sorted, fitted, and sitting to a married Transfer Case, Originally, I was going to do a divorced transfer case, BUT the length of this model prohibits

that, (to short of wheel base)


A LOT of hacking on the frame, building non-existent engine mounts, and cutting the floor boards out of the bed to get it all to fit in place, WHAT FUN it was!


THEN, the fun, I had to cut the floor boards a bit to get it all to fit PLUS after the engine was "fitted" go back, and trim the floor boards even more, to add in the exhaust the

engine needed! That was fun, to do just to keep the work nice and clean!


With the engine in place, and sitting as close as I can get it, puts the transfer case almost mid-ship to the model. Which gives me plenty of space, to add in custom made drive

shafts, as well as a "parking brake" off the top rear-most transmission connection to the transfer case. This ought to prove a fun bit of detailing for me! As I plan to use as

big-a-part "Brake Drum" as I can fit in this area (pretty tight quarters!)



Motor still sits what seems to be pretty low slung, not that I'm complaining, BUT, it will sit low enough to just be visible when all together in the location its seen here. All

this makes is adding the exhaust manifolds or Headers a bit more difficult. BUT, I'll shoe-horn them in as needed (I think, I may have that issue already sorted out to this



My only biggest concern for this evening, was how to shoe-horn a set of either Exhaust headers in place, OR a set of exhaust manifolds....Wasn't to much "room" for error to say

the least! Its a tight fit. EVEN sitting in the bed of this truck, could you imagine putting this thing in the "stock" location!? The Blower "hat" would be sticking out the roof

of the cab, as it be normally in the hood! LOL (Tho, that be kinda cool I think) Not to "driver" friendly to say the least, (no room for him to sit), altho he could have a

vibrating "hot seat" and sit on a valve cover I suppose! LOL


After all of this, I sat out to see if I could "close" up the hole that was behind the insert, of the floor inside the cab seen in a couple of posts above to make it all a hole-

less floor inside the cab, A LOT has to be done underneath this and have a place to mount things such as gear shift linkage, and transfer case linkage, as well as parking brake

or "viewing" brake lines as well as some sort of steering lines, (NOT sure what that may consist of yet, well see....) I also have lines to run into the dash area as well....Plus

inside the cab, will be the battery location possible other items that would normally be "under the hood" so to speak, As there will only be one racing seat in this! THEN the

fun, I need to add a fuel cell....I think that may wind up in the factory "engine location" to even the frame build out alittle.


BUT I'll mention here, I got a few secrets that are coming to go along with this build, just because, I can....Always the anticipation of surprise with me. you just never know!

I thought since I mentioned it, I'd get right down to business! LOL


This picture shows the PCV lines, "PCV" Positive Crankcase Ventilation, this takes combusted gases within the crankcase and puts them BACK into the carburetor for a re-burning

effect, todays cars this gives way better MPG road BUT also helps power too, makes the engine more efficient! Burning as close to 100% of the petro put into a cylinder! Times

that by 8, you get a couple extra ponies at the flywheel!


This one showing the lines, what they're for and how it all looks together...



This is that "Turbo T" for air intake, this is the acceptor for the pipe yet to be made as this will go to a "blower hat"...That sits a top a plenum, thats the supply of air from

the aftercooler....



The above pictures show oil pan lines that are turbo lube supply lines, notice, the split oil pan.....This is to keep the oil moving through the engine and exchange from time to

time through a single oil filter, which is the front line seen here.



Other side, showing Turbo lube "return" line, going back into the oil pan, notice location from "supply" to "return" Supply comes from the bottom of the pan, internal pump, to be

"returned" at the top of the oil pan.

MORE to come following these messages!
So now comes the frame....AND what is connected to the frame? Well suspension, BUT whats connected to that? Suspension I mean, meaning, the axles? THE WHEELS! OHHH NO, NOT wheels

for me! TANK TRACKS!



Not just ANY tank tracks will do, not for my crazy in the head-self! NO WAY, I have to the most difficult damned track type made, WHY you ask? Cuz I'm me and hard headed! Nahhhh

not really, just the tracks made one link at a time allows me to make them as i need to to fit FOUR "tracks" to make this monster truck a "QUAD-Track" monster truck! Why not? It

afterall is "DOOMZ DAY" right? LOL


Then a shot of the frame and detail work I've done....So far, it fits, I even used one of the original "Motor Mounts" to be a "DUAL" fuel filter mount! Not that its in place now

BUT it will be, AFTER the frame has all it needs to become flat black....FIRST, before ANY detail really is added!

So then, I got the pics of the engine and a little of the frame, AND then that HUGE engine needs coolant, right? WELL, yes, sure, BUT how? Not only a Radiator, but a turbo

aftercooler too........ ALL in one, mounted......BACKWARDS, just like everything else on this build!

Ohh yeah, believe me, its ALL wired in too! The fans are "electric" so....


3 fans, 2 on the radiator, and one larger one on the aftercooler, so there are 3 different color wires for each fan coming from the fan, to the control box, with yep you guessed

it one open hole with no wire that will lead to the cab!

So, where to begin?

Ahhhh, we'll start with the frame! Its painted, flat black, with a flat clerar cote to give just a hint of texture to look like undercoating...

I've glossed the fuel tank/cell, to look as tho it has a epoxy resin coating on it....

THEN the fuel supply lines were addres, ALL braided "hard lines" to the transfercase cross-memeber, and the "to" line goes through a series of fuel filters, hanging on the

underside of the frame, that may get a "skid" plate" for protection before I'm all said and done with it....

So have a look:


Looking at this picture you can see that gloss black round item that looks to be connected to the transfercase>? WELL that is a "Parking Brake". I've read that these are a lot

like emergency brakes that basically make it sit still, which is used mostly around viewing crowds...NEVER used durring competitions!


Better view of the transfer case!


A bit of a view of the fuel tank/cell and lines to support it. As well as the dual fuel filters.


A bit better shot of the frame underside showing fuel line details!


Last but not least, a picture of the frame with just the engine setting in place for an idea of how it all looks!

ENJOY, More to come following these GRAND messages!
So as you all have read, I been "pondering" tank track colors....I've custom mixed this color, its a lot of Graphite shade, with some silver added for shine, a bit of Steel added

for depth, and then just a hint of Gun metal to give it some tone....


I then took the "cleat" in the track and with a silver Sharpie "paint marker" (Oil based) and made the edge bare metal, to look slightly, used....I don't often do weathering on

model cars, but when I do, its VERY light, this will probably be thee only weathering on this entire model! (I'm after that "Show" look) so....

Anyway, I know your ALL waiting to see how I came up with the tracks and there shape by now, and I knew this when I started posting BUT to keep ya all at the edge of your seats,

I waited till last! SO with further stall time, HAVE A LOOK!


Granted whats seen above is meraly a pile of parts! I know, ALL scratch built and ALL of what I been writting about in my postings with no pics....In this picture, you see about

enough parts to assemble 2 tracks! Minus the track themself, they aren't in the pic at all....BUT, this is that "track frame" I was speaking of.....


This little gem ---^

Happens to be the bottom track guide wheels and frame work. I have a bit of detail yet to do to ALL 4 of them I'll need to make a strut apply downward pressure on for the actual

truck to ride on this is the inside of the track frame. A little work is needed before I am happy with it, just got to get my ideas togwether as to how I'm going to carry it out!


NOW yer getting to see the work involved...This "tri-angle" is a track sub-frame, that supports the tracks, and all of the rollers! See that one single "pole"? That is a pivot

point for the track guide to pivot on "This little gem" from the picture above!

As seen in this picture, the FRONT of these that will be looking at your face standing in fropnt of it, is to the LEFT.... The "Steep" side of the tri-angle, the rear "slope"

will be on ALL 4 corners!


This picture is merely taken upside down....That single wheel seen there with all the structural bracing, is a carrier wheel guide, as you'll see in a moment, its not one that

would need to be adjustable to the track as its in motion, this wheel merely carries the track from one corner to the other, un-pressurized as it doesn't need to apply tension

to the track, just needs to carry it!

More to come! L-O-N-G postings!!!! Makes for added postings, I won't do a posting all of these at once!

Stay tuned!
So then, now that you seen the Drivers side front track frame, Hows about the back? of the track frame? Needless to say, This is pretty bare right now, I have some "H" beams to

add here to prevent that "tri-angle" plate from curling over time and distorting the whole build in years to come so I have a few added details to put in place here to preventt

hat and it looks like real stiffening parts anyway, as I'll get pictures of as time allows!


Now, comes the fun! You'll see the whole works together, all the parts, wheels guides, rollers, and TRACKS!


Forward facing, with the tracks on the frame with all the wheels in place, This is how the passenger side of the whole rig will look, notice the tracks themself, the "cleats" are

"upside down" the point is facing the cab, NOT the ground....WHY? The out side edge, is facing the ground, TWO of those edges are better traction, on the outside of the track

then one in a smaller area in the center, it distributes the weight better and for competition sake, I don't think loosing "grip" will be an issue, BUT it looks GREAT that way,

ALL the treads on the tracks will be backwards.... For this very reason!



And here ya go!!!!!!!!!!!!! This track is the front PASSENGER side unit. The whole truck, would be going forward in this direction. As seen I still haven't gotten my thoughts

together on how I'm going to assemble and add in the strut, I know I have too, BUT I am not into making a mistake, these were not the easiest things to create never mind make 4

of them! SO, I'm building the other 2, and thinking of how I plan to go about the strut and the mounting there-of....

I think the whole thing so far, looks GREAT, I have some tweaking to do here and there on making them solid and mounting them to the truck rears but, I'm pleased on how they

turned out so far!

And there ya have it....ENJOY!
I haven't got that far just yet, I'll begin building that part, when I have all the tracks ready for mounting as it sits quite high with the triangle tracks to the


I think I may modify the Rockwells, I'm not sure yet....I have to get to a point to see how all fits together to give me an idea of what I need to build for it....As I make

things as i go, and thats one I've held off on due to the drive shaft angles so.....

We'll see, when I'm at that point!

So, as you all have read in the past, (I don't know) 10 postings of mine, I was debating the way or design of the bottom roller wheels "suspension? I just at the time, had to

many ideas on how to do it (ANY ONE of them would have worked but...) I wanted the ONE that was the best for the application, of the Quad-Tracks to the truck itself and what it

would be used for.

SO, here is what I thought to be the best:


As you can see, the top of that roller suspension, on the bottom, there is 2 "cylinders" connected to a mount post on the tracks frame. Then, you look, this "strut" design has 2

struts per track, giving equal downward pressure for the outside most portion of the track....Maintaining a good grip to the ground was the goal here....The struts were painted,

2 different shades of metal, the first being the "middle" color, "Steel" from Testors. The narrowest section painted "Silver Chrome" ALSO from Testors, and then the actual "body"

of the strut, being white (company color) the "silverish" colors being parts of polished steel or grades of steel for wear and such. I then, painted the mount the same color as

the roller wheels frame, this is a custom mix of paint, I made that was also seen on my transmission to this truck, the transfer case in the frame and various other places that

"bare" cast iron would be seen. The WHOLE "white" area, will be painted Plum Crazy Purple also from Testors.... The rest, is to come, wheels power rollers, and all that, the

tracks themself are now painted for the 2 almost complete track frames.

SO, what was I to do, while paint and glue was drying? WELL work on a project for a friend I took on, and was waiting his interior work to dry as well, I began to think of a

little something different (as if this model isn't already, right?)

BODY WORK! WHAT, did I want the body to look like? (Was a pretty serious question in my mind!) So I got to looking at the body of the A100, and just kinda pondered for a

minute....All in the while remembering what the "Little Red Wagon" looked like, Bill Golden, had originally used it as a drag racing truck, custom, in the beginning, he drove it

in the "normal" driving location on the left hand side of the truck. Leaving the interior "complete" but lightened for speed. Later on as the truck was deemed for "show" and the

wheelie stander era started, the driver seat was relocated, to lighten the front even more, by centering the whole works! This removed A LOT of complex steering "Bell Cranks"

which could shed off up to 400 pounds right in front of the front axle! So, this truck, was re-done several times, including the motor....BUT, then it hit me, this truck ISN'T

Bill Goldens "Little Red Wagon" anymore....Still a competition truck, BUT not for a quarter mile race! SO, with that said, thought of how much space was in the bed, and how much

was engine and where was I to put the up coming battery, electricals (there is no "under the hood with this truck!), and any other small detail? WELL the passenger side area of

the cab floor! This will include all those small details, and some "secrets" I haven't revealed yet.

WELL that being said, this model, both doors are to open as modeled. I am have rethought that one! Isn't no reason this truck needs a passenger side seat, nor any of those parts,

so, this opened up a bit of "lost" space, as all the stuff, that would have been found in the bed, can now be placed in the passenger side of the truck!

SO, no passenger seat, not nothing but dash, and open floor space, WHY is a opening, or functional passenger side door needed? It isn't! SO, I started to "weld" it shut!


The door seams were welded shut with plastic welder from Tenax-7R. Once dry and the door was fitted to match the contour of the truck body, I then began to "feel" the seams to

see how much filler was needed and to make a choice on the best possible filler to use (I originally was going to use REAL "Bondo" but, thats a lot of work for such a small area!

AND more work then I'da been willing to do, AFTER the task done was to late to re-think it. SO, I used Some "Fix-All" adhesive, from "Super Glue" bought at the local Dollar

Store, and then on the outside a drop or so, of "Crazy Glue" to harden the outside edge to make a sandable "crust".... The Fix-All adhesive stays somewhat flexible and not "hard"

to be sanded, which is why I added the Crazy Glue....Plus, the added Crazy Glue, Adds just a touch of crust when cure, and "builds up the area a bit more for sanding, AND fills

in the cracks that are not seen easily....

Then the fun! The door hinge openings! HUGE holes that go all the way inside the cab! THESE, had me stumped for a short while, as i had to yet again think up a way to "fill"

them, yet be able to be sanded easily, with multiple contours in and around them!


Best filler again was same as the first I used on this project, the Fix-All adhesive, with a bit more Crazy Glue added to its outside surface, with a squirt of Baking Soda, to

cure it instantly, and have a really "high-build" effect, for finishing the body work to the contours of the truck. Altho pretty smooth right now, I still have some sanding

needing done BEFORE I seal it all with Lacquer clear coat just prior to the first wet sanding of the body.....Plus, I have some mold seams to sand down as well, (thought, I'd do

the major body work first) and then graduate to the more lighter normal stuff)

ENJOY! More to come as time allows!
I have yet to figure in the body work from the parts you sent me......As good as it is, its all over the place, this build.....Extremes in all directions, body work, frame work,

ENGINE, interior, you name it.... AND as you know or should know, The truck name is "Doomz Day" for the nick name the engine got powering it, BUT, with that I'm trying to

incorporate a skull in the decor on the cab, or inside, I dunno yet, BUT there will be at least one, someplace! To represent my THICK Skull design work LOL Something the wife

should to me and asked if I could use, it right about the time i was "plastic welding" the passenger side door shut! PLUS to add to the "decor" on the body, I'd LOVE to get the

Hemi's 50th anniversary & Elephant logo as a sticker to almost cover the roof top of the truck.....BUT I'm not sure who I could get to print something like that......(I don't

have a working printer, or able to print Decal paper....so....) Anyway, more to come!

So, Here again....

The "rollers" I've spoke about? I got them, painted, in that custom mix paint, that I've mentioned....I have them, as of this posting, the wheels are painted flat black. Not seen

in the following picture:


Then as I had mentioned, I got the back side of the track frames painted as well....


Once thats dry enough to "stick" it to a section of cardboard, I'll paint the front side of them and then once the whole works is dry, the whole thing will be hung for complete

clear coating on both sides!



I'm not real concerned with the scratches and such in the back side of these, or the fronts all that much as it is after-all going ot taking a beating in competition, right? BUT

it is however going to be cleaned up for "show" use.....

Here are a few updated pics of the A100, and its FRONT tracks.....


The first things AFTER the frames are painted is the lower 2 rollers. These MUST be the first added, as they are the ones that will NOT tolerate any side to side play, OR up and

down movement, they must be glued solid to the frames! I took GREAT care to see that this was the case, to date, 4 times! I have yet to do it again, 4 more times, for the 2 rear

track frames!


Showing the detail of the whole completed track, this one is for the front, drivers side track....


Showing a little of the track "tread" and direction the cleat follows! Notice, its looks as tho its upside down, and It really is! I did this for a reason. The tracks as you all

know are on a monster truck, hence the cleat outside edges to be facing downward, this is for traction, in real life, on a tank they "bite" from the center, BUT have much more

weight to get a good "grip" when in motion. On a monster truck not having the same amount of downward pressure, the outside edge would bit more, and allow the track to "ride"

flat across, and this would give greater contact to the ground underneath it....


Shown from the back, this side will also be used as a "ladder" to get to the door for the driver to open! And the track natural "sag" over the carrier roller, this roller is

rigid mounted and would only "spin" in real life, no deed for it to have a shock, or be "sprung" for tension, its merely to carry the track from the bottom roller to the top

powered roller!


This shot, shows a bit more of the tread and the cleats and how the natural sag is, on the track! This was merely possible to model (the natural sag) as the tracks are one cleat,

or link at a time and is supported by a clip in the center (drive clip) to the outside hinge plates, that also have a pin in them for a bit more outer edge traction!


This shows the 2 tracks, both fronts side by side.....You can see the purple paint on the rear of the track frame here, and to give an idea of what the whole BEAST is gonna look

like when these are on the frame!

More to follow! The second set of tracks are being assembled!
So then, as I said, more to follow! So, you seen bits and pieces of the front tracks as they were assembled, right? SO I thought while I was beginning to build the second set,

simultaneously I'd get some pictures to show some of the work done with plastic shapes to achieve the appearance seen in the front set thats now complete and ready to be added to

a front differential and then onto the frame of the truck!


How the roller wheel and mount gets to keep true to parallel, and or, vertical, to keep the wheels "tread" surface, horizontal to the track and other 3 corner wheels!


A bit of detail seen here, just a different angle of the same part shown above!

Thats it for now! More to come as progress happens!

I may as well get it added as yet another "update" As I wait for other model assemblies to cure for handling, I keep the ole Doomz Day nearby!


Both REAR track frames, have the rigid roller in place and all supporting details as well. I'm currently awaiting the glue to cure on the lower rollers for placement to these

frames! BUT that might prove a few days as it gets pretty intense for those, as they have to be just so, nothing else will do!

As I set and work on others, I went and made ALL the needed parts when I was "designing" and now have them loose "as-needed" during the build, makes for easier assembly time! So,

all these little "extra's" make no mistake, they were done BEFORE any of this began going together.....When I know something will work, I run with it, and when I run with a part

I'm making, I make SURE I count how many I'll need and then go for "stock" to do ALL of them all in one sitting, or at that very time when the machines are running and the wheels

in my head are turning!

So, as I wait for another model to dry, and whats seen above to dry, I'm left with well, not much of anything SO, why not begin that radiator/aftercooler duct work coming of the

back side of the front inner fender wells....


Just a bit of piecing it together, I might add, A LOT of compound angles to be worked out....I have yet to add the lower and upper parts, but the sides are pretty much done and

in place. I do have some filling and sanding to do as they're close but not dead on, as the duct work isn't a perfect thing and using that and a starting point (kit rearward

bulkhead, and that not being 100% true, let me to do a bit of smudging it to make it fit....ONCE in the truck, it won't be noticeable!


Passenger side view!


Drivers side view!

These got a ways to go, plus I have to get the whole works ready for paint as this is a center part of the model the frame then this and then the body, so.....The frame is coming

along too, BUT I have to get this on it to continue with the details of the motor!
Got to thinking with all this "interior" work, I ought to see what I have for "racing seats" to use in the truck, and well to my advantage, I have a few old AMT-Ertl '70 Dodge

Coronet Super Bee "Pro-Street" models to then see a GREAT candidate for the Monster truck!

It needed stripped down, (was paint "Almond" from J.C. Murphy's), almost 25 years ago, if not longer.....The seat? sat in ELO (Easy Lift Off) from Ply Scale, a Testors

company/division, for 2 days! That old Almond paint, that was made by I think the spray can company was named "Miracle" or something, WOW is that some damn paint now! BUT.....I

got it all off the seat!



Upon seeing how the seat looked "stripped" to bare plastic, I noticed something I didn't before! The glue! Was stuck to the PAINT! I "HAD" seat belts glued to this seat, AND the

seat was glued to the car interior tub floor! NO glue distortion on the place!

I'm amazed at how long this was in that car, BEFORE I tore it down for spare parts! This same seat was in the same car, as the engine thats going in my Monster Truck!

So anyway, me, being me, I thought, How or what do I want to do with this seat, to make it better? WELL, first off, NO holes for the seat belts to pass through for the 5 point

harness! SO, holes to be drilled were in order!



So I think they look pretty even so Off to fitting the seat with a NEW seat belt arrangement I had (the old one just didn't fit well to this seat, and will be kept for a future

build I'm sure!


Looks to fit pretty good, (I cut it down just a bit, to fit the seat) the other belt set up was simply to long and to wide. This one was merely just a bit to wide!)

SO I cut a few sections out of the middle, and whats missing is a center buckle, no big deal.....I'll glue it back into the belts, just before they're painted to go in the


I also plan to add a seat adjustment lever in the front, to go forward and back for different peoples height, and I MIGHT add a rear back lever to adjust how much the driver sits

"upright" in the seat. I then will have to make my own roll bar to justify the belts "mount" behind the seat, which is OK, I was planning to make my own roll cage for the truck


Stay tuned! MORE to follow!
So as I said, more to follow, just a little here and there, SO the engine, remember that BEAST? REMEMBER me saying I had secrets to reveal? WELL heres yet another one!

I've went and gone completely overboard with it, the engine with its Superchargers, and dual Turbo's, now also sports a 200 shot of NOS to the dual Holley Double pumpers!


Thats one side, heres the other:


The piping to these, will come from 2 separate NOS tanks, INSIDE the cab! Remember "dual Everything" well I think its now showing! LOL

When I'm working on the engine specially the top side of it, I use the trucks actual frame as a holder, as it keeps it level, somewhat, AND allows me to handle the engine if

needed, but holds it steady when I need to do detail work to it, OR add detail to it.... PLUS, it keeps it from sliding around on the work bench and loosening up details Ive

already added!

ENJOY! More to come as I can get pictures and time for progress!
So then you all have been wondering, I haven't worked on this one to much BUT, over the weekend, and a little tonight, I got some done to this ole stand-by....

The frame now is painted black, and some of the intake duct work, is also on its way to being completed....Heres just a look....


Simple, the underframe got its flat black "undercoating" as spoken about!



The last 2 pictures show the drivers side duct work "Pre-Filter" in place, it HAD to be in place for the duct work "top" to be set in place! THIS will allow me to design the

lower top portion of this duct....I still need to do some "angle" work to get this side done. I have yet to make the needed "see-thru" screen for the other passenger side of the


Short update, but since the absence, I thought something was better then nothing!

More to come!
Thanks Hops! Its a damn fun one....... (I've always been detail oriented if ya couldn't tell already!)

I have been working on this build now for about a year, I took a posted thread from FABO and just copied it to paste here as another thread, so...... I'll be getting this one out and re-continuing its build as I had to locate some parts, and get my head screwed on straight, as I was questioning myself on its build and how I wanted to do this or that..... SO I think thats all squared away and now, I'll be back at it!
Jeez... Can't you just build a damn model box stock so the rest of us don't feel like idiots! Amazing amount of work you do to your models. I got some detailing things, but just never got in to the level, or anywhere close for that matter, that you are at. Very impressive.
Jeez... Can't you just build a damn model box stock so the rest of us don't feel like idiots! Amazing amount of work you do to your models. I got some detailing things, but just never got in to the level, or anywhere close for that matter, that you are at. Very impressive.

Thanks Mob.......Much appreciated!

And to answer your question......HELL NO...... LOL I love adding as much detail as I myself can make from whatever I have laying around/at my fingertips!

Needless to say at this point, but, I build models to museum quality, and to spec ALL the time, (I used to do different things like this for others.) NOW, I'm semi-retired, and enjoying my own hobby, same as what I used to do for a little extra income, but, health reasons stopped it, the day-to-day just, well almost gave me a heart attack..... So now, I'm building to my own liking.

Thing is, I "NORMALLY" build "stock"...... BUT, there are a few "non-stock" builds I'm doing, this happens to be the first of ANY of them!

And please, don't let my building discourage you, I've been doing this for a LONG time, so been there done that 10 times over. If anything, I want to encourage others to build, good bad or indifferent...... Maybe even teach along the way.

You ever need any Mopar engine parts, to make a stock kit, with some "bling" send me a PM, I make a lot of my own parts, for whatever reason, and I've got a bunch I'm able to trade, if you need. I'm always interested in left over parts, Specially, Mopar parts big block, Hemi, or small block, even slat 6 parts! Model parts of course!