67 Power Wagon
Well-Known Member
So everyone,
As most may know, I'm a Moparian, YES I love almost EVERYTHING "Mopar" but.... the Dodge A100 (for whatever reason) has a special place in my heart, I would LOVE to build a real
one some day for a daily driver, OR have an A108 Van version, I just like the looks of the old A100!!!! SO, I wound up getting a model, of the Little Red wagon, going to be built
as it ought to be to Bill Goldens specs, BUT then, I wound up with a 2nd kit, and then a 3rd kit, and then a 4th kit, and now last but not least, found a partial 5th kit at a
yard sale that I plan to make a A108 Van from Jimmie Flintstone, as the 5th kit was missing the body, and some minor parts that I have. I have to somehow get a body for it but
that will come in due time. ANYWAY, off to the Monster Truck A100 we go......
Frame has been "beefed" up just a tad, (IF your familiar with the kit you'll know!) And then the suspension removed from the "Donor" truck to be fitted, BACKWARDS to the frame.
Why "backwards"? WELL the length of the truck and I wanted to keep the "Quad-Tracks" centered in the actual wheel openings of the truck. This was done by using the "shorter" end
of the suspension to the ends of the frame as these parts ARE NOT centered over the axles! All is mounted solid, and looks pretty clean, I may go back and add a bit more "beef"
in and around the mounts for the suspension...
AFTER the frame was sort of figured out, I had thought about engine, and placement. This engine as you know is pretty big! The length is even so, as well as width. SO, I took and
placed it all around in the bed to see what best "fits" the space, given and work with it. This required some pretty serious modifications. One such, was to cut off the tail cone
of the Transmission, As I wanted to keep the transfer case somewhat centered in the truck, like a older built, real one.
Because of the engines placement, and the intent of how I'm going to complete the top end of this engine, its going to be mounted, backwards! The Blower "Hat" will not be at all.
(I'm saving a few "secrets" here for a surprise when its all done!) But, there are some good ideas coming! But have a look at how wide this motor is!
Then the interior floor plating. I had to figure out how that was all going to work, I have yet to figure out radiator placement and such for the engine and how all of this will
come together, I thought about looking into a "gator 'net" for the tailgate and putting the radiator BEHIND the engine with a couple electric fnas on it to suck or push the air
though it the other way instead of the conventional way, it only needs cross flow of air to cool the fluid inside so.....
Then, I got an "under" shot....I think I have plenty of clearance, huh? AND there isn't any axles or Quads in place YET! I've got to build them!
ENJOY! More to follow!
As most may know, I'm a Moparian, YES I love almost EVERYTHING "Mopar" but.... the Dodge A100 (for whatever reason) has a special place in my heart, I would LOVE to build a real
one some day for a daily driver, OR have an A108 Van version, I just like the looks of the old A100!!!! SO, I wound up getting a model, of the Little Red wagon, going to be built
as it ought to be to Bill Goldens specs, BUT then, I wound up with a 2nd kit, and then a 3rd kit, and then a 4th kit, and now last but not least, found a partial 5th kit at a
yard sale that I plan to make a A108 Van from Jimmie Flintstone, as the 5th kit was missing the body, and some minor parts that I have. I have to somehow get a body for it but
that will come in due time. ANYWAY, off to the Monster Truck A100 we go......

Frame has been "beefed" up just a tad, (IF your familiar with the kit you'll know!) And then the suspension removed from the "Donor" truck to be fitted, BACKWARDS to the frame.
Why "backwards"? WELL the length of the truck and I wanted to keep the "Quad-Tracks" centered in the actual wheel openings of the truck. This was done by using the "shorter" end
of the suspension to the ends of the frame as these parts ARE NOT centered over the axles! All is mounted solid, and looks pretty clean, I may go back and add a bit more "beef"
in and around the mounts for the suspension...

AFTER the frame was sort of figured out, I had thought about engine, and placement. This engine as you know is pretty big! The length is even so, as well as width. SO, I took and
placed it all around in the bed to see what best "fits" the space, given and work with it. This required some pretty serious modifications. One such, was to cut off the tail cone
of the Transmission, As I wanted to keep the transfer case somewhat centered in the truck, like a older built, real one.

Because of the engines placement, and the intent of how I'm going to complete the top end of this engine, its going to be mounted, backwards! The Blower "Hat" will not be at all.
(I'm saving a few "secrets" here for a surprise when its all done!) But, there are some good ideas coming! But have a look at how wide this motor is!

Then the interior floor plating. I had to figure out how that was all going to work, I have yet to figure out radiator placement and such for the engine and how all of this will
come together, I thought about looking into a "gator 'net" for the tailgate and putting the radiator BEHIND the engine with a couple electric fnas on it to suck or push the air
though it the other way instead of the conventional way, it only needs cross flow of air to cool the fluid inside so.....

Then, I got an "under" shot....I think I have plenty of clearance, huh? AND there isn't any axles or Quads in place YET! I've got to build them!
ENJOY! More to follow!