Well Dodge Addict, if you remember some wise man once said something about no wrath like that of a woman scorned. Or even just bent out of shape. I'd swear that's what happened to one of my factory motorcycle shop manuals. But just a guess.
Sometimes it's good to be doing something that you actually want to do rather than have to do. Like the time I was overhauling a V8 Studebaker engine. I enjoyed doing that, but had to put it on hold when harvest time came. In the middle of things, I had to pull the 318-3 industrial engine off the combine and overhaul it. I was doing the same basic thing but I didn't enjoy it one bit because (1) I was forced to do it and (2) I was under a time deadline to get it done.
The engine was using a lot of oil and producing lots of blow by. The first clue something was wrong was when I found pices of piston skirt in the oil pan. The second thing was when the skirts of 6 of the 8 pistons literally fell to pieces when pulled out of the cylinder. And not just little dinky pieces, but pieces the size of nickles and quarters. Two of the exhaust valve seats were recessed something fierce, like around 1/8"-3/16". The amazing thing is it would start right up and other than using lots of oil, ran smoothly, quietly and produced adequate power.