Ouch. Laura never had anything like that happen! She just had back problems and a shitty doctor that ended up messing things up more than he did help her. Infection and more surgery on her back, then hip, knee and more back fun. I'll let you tell her to not let it run her life, easier said than done. She's stubborn in her ways and still doesn't do certain things in the best manner. Train tracks, bumps in the road, doors shutting too hard, trunk getting shut with her in the car and it's back to square one. I hurt most days but shrug it off and keep going, no one is going to do any of my work for me, so if I can move, I get to keep on going doing whatever it is I have to do. I'm only 41 but can tell I need to get my big projects done sooner so I can actually enjoy driving my fleet and not just building them. At least I'm young at heart and don't act my age, that keeps me going.