67 Power Wagon
Well-Known Member
So in the general area, I posted pictures of 2 model trucks I'm building, BY NOW, those reading this ought to know I have a "plastic addiction" yes, I enjoy building super detailed model cars trucks what have you...... Even some wild stuff.....SO with that heres some of the stuff, I get into as far as models...
Let me first say, this is a "FIRST" for me..... BUT, to start, I have mentioned, that Sir Beast's '57
Chevy Cameo, pick up build, for the "Best of the Decade 50's race, gave me some inspiration. Granted,
I got a TON of models started but most of them, in theplace they current "set" is needing air brush
work that I can't do, my air brush is broke down! B-|
SO, I thought, I'd clean up the bench a bit, organize a few things and see what I had for "stock" to
begin a build that I can do, all with spray cans TILL my air brush is back in road-worthy condition!
So with that, lets begin. You all know by now, I'm a Mopar kinda guy, BUT then you also know I'm semi-
attached to high horsepower things as well..... Having said that, the Allison engine use in cars and
trucks, ITS NOT "Mopar" by any means.... SO with me being me, How do I keep my "Mopar status" and keep up
in the builds? Thats when I found this:
Granted, I know your looking in some sort of "What-the-hell" is that!? right about now..... Let me do a
little educating on it.....
This my friends is THEE FIRST Chrysler "HEMI" EVER made! It was a inverted (up-side-down) engine, a V-16,
2,022 cubic inch MONSTER.... It was built in '41 for the USA Air Force, P-47 "Thunderbolt" air plane,
there were 6 of these manufactured in Dearborn, Michigan!
In the pictures I've posted here, you can see the output shaft, and the set up, sort of as it is after
all upside down..... The engine was powered with a blower (supercharger) and had the ability and option
to have that fed by one turbo supercharger (what they called it in '41).
Now as you know and have read, I said, I took some inspiration off Beast's '57 50's build, AND this....
BUT you ask, how am I going to use a upside down engine thats not even made as a model? WELL, it goes
something like this......
I went and had a look at what I had for materials (while I was cleaning up) I got to thinkin' how I could
make this..... WELL, then it dawned on me, take 2 of my "610 Hemi" engines and but them back to front. BUT
even if that did work, how was I to mount this in a frame of a auto, upside down? WELL that where my
"inspiration" comes in, I "righted" the engine. I turned it right side up.....
So, here is how this started out:
As you can see, the blocks are of my castings! I took "stock" on what I had to make the heads (they're
L-O-N-G) as well as scraps to make the oil pan, also a L-O-N-G part, all machined off my Unimat, and made
to fit the engine! BUT seen here and the pictures of the REAL one, it only had one blower, and I'm just
not happy with that, applying some "modelers licenses" here. Mine will have a custom made "intake", to
have 2 blowers on the same level. The trick to this V-16 Hemi is the real one, had a center driven gear
box. 8 cylinders on either side of it. My model will have the same sort of thing, BUT, my model will have
a "gear tower" BUT not with all the gears it will have a cog belt set up in it. As if this would have
been up-side-down, this would have been "covered" with the what we know an oil pan. Which really is more
like a windage try that keeps direct oil from splashing up into the cylinders, this takes some HP away if
that happens.
BUT, because I "righted" the engine block. This detail change, makes the "opening" possible in the top in
the "V", center between the heads side-to-side, and then center again front to back! SO because of this,
I did not want to have a "gear box" as that would have to be "covered due to oil splash,. SO, I did cog
belt driven blowers, I'll have a blower on either side of this "opening" machined into the custom
machined intake to handle this. The blowers are of my castings, and are off-centered, meaning the intake
will have a cross-ram sort of look to it, BUT not as pronounced looking as a true "Cross-Ram" intake
would have. BUT the off set of the blowers is due to the front plate where the blower "drive" comes out
and would be connected to the the blower belt! Its off-centered to the right hand side, looking from the
outside of the car. SO....This is a whole "different" idea of modeling for me..... BUT its a fun one and
its merely a fun modeling building adventure, as I'm building this as I go, by the seat of my pants!
Following these short messages, I'll be showing the "auto" I have planned for it to go in!
MORE to follow!
Let me first say, this is a "FIRST" for me..... BUT, to start, I have mentioned, that Sir Beast's '57
Chevy Cameo, pick up build, for the "Best of the Decade 50's race, gave me some inspiration. Granted,
I got a TON of models started but most of them, in theplace they current "set" is needing air brush
work that I can't do, my air brush is broke down! B-|
SO, I thought, I'd clean up the bench a bit, organize a few things and see what I had for "stock" to
begin a build that I can do, all with spray cans TILL my air brush is back in road-worthy condition!
So with that, lets begin. You all know by now, I'm a Mopar kinda guy, BUT then you also know I'm semi-
attached to high horsepower things as well..... Having said that, the Allison engine use in cars and
trucks, ITS NOT "Mopar" by any means.... SO with me being me, How do I keep my "Mopar status" and keep up
in the builds? Thats when I found this:

Granted, I know your looking in some sort of "What-the-hell" is that!? right about now..... Let me do a
little educating on it.....
This my friends is THEE FIRST Chrysler "HEMI" EVER made! It was a inverted (up-side-down) engine, a V-16,
2,022 cubic inch MONSTER.... It was built in '41 for the USA Air Force, P-47 "Thunderbolt" air plane,
there were 6 of these manufactured in Dearborn, Michigan!
In the pictures I've posted here, you can see the output shaft, and the set up, sort of as it is after
all upside down..... The engine was powered with a blower (supercharger) and had the ability and option
to have that fed by one turbo supercharger (what they called it in '41).
Now as you know and have read, I said, I took some inspiration off Beast's '57 50's build, AND this....
BUT you ask, how am I going to use a upside down engine thats not even made as a model? WELL, it goes
something like this......
I went and had a look at what I had for materials (while I was cleaning up) I got to thinkin' how I could
make this..... WELL, then it dawned on me, take 2 of my "610 Hemi" engines and but them back to front. BUT
even if that did work, how was I to mount this in a frame of a auto, upside down? WELL that where my
"inspiration" comes in, I "righted" the engine. I turned it right side up.....
So, here is how this started out:

As you can see, the blocks are of my castings! I took "stock" on what I had to make the heads (they're
L-O-N-G) as well as scraps to make the oil pan, also a L-O-N-G part, all machined off my Unimat, and made
to fit the engine! BUT seen here and the pictures of the REAL one, it only had one blower, and I'm just
not happy with that, applying some "modelers licenses" here. Mine will have a custom made "intake", to
have 2 blowers on the same level. The trick to this V-16 Hemi is the real one, had a center driven gear
box. 8 cylinders on either side of it. My model will have the same sort of thing, BUT, my model will have
a "gear tower" BUT not with all the gears it will have a cog belt set up in it. As if this would have
been up-side-down, this would have been "covered" with the what we know an oil pan. Which really is more
like a windage try that keeps direct oil from splashing up into the cylinders, this takes some HP away if
that happens.
BUT, because I "righted" the engine block. This detail change, makes the "opening" possible in the top in
the "V", center between the heads side-to-side, and then center again front to back! SO because of this,
I did not want to have a "gear box" as that would have to be "covered due to oil splash,. SO, I did cog
belt driven blowers, I'll have a blower on either side of this "opening" machined into the custom
machined intake to handle this. The blowers are of my castings, and are off-centered, meaning the intake
will have a cross-ram sort of look to it, BUT not as pronounced looking as a true "Cross-Ram" intake
would have. BUT the off set of the blowers is due to the front plate where the blower "drive" comes out
and would be connected to the the blower belt! Its off-centered to the right hand side, looking from the
outside of the car. SO....This is a whole "different" idea of modeling for me..... BUT its a fun one and
its merely a fun modeling building adventure, as I'm building this as I go, by the seat of my pants!
Following these short messages, I'll be showing the "auto" I have planned for it to go in!
MORE to follow!