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It is starting

It was in the 80's today. Window is still open and an sitting here in short sleeves. You guys have fun with winter as we are watching it from a far.
I don’t mean to be a grinch however.... to those of you who are placing Christmas lights/decorations in your yards, would you please avoid anything that has Red or Blue flashing lights together? Every time I come around the corner, I think it's the police and have a panic attack. I have to brake hard, toss my wine out the window, fasten my seat belt, throw my phone on the floor, turn my radio down, and push the gun under the seat. All while trying to drive.
It's just too much drama, even for Christmas. Thank you for your cooperation
Light snow this afternoon that turned to freezing rain, after dark it warmed up to 32 and now roads are wet with some slush.
It was 41, but it's dropped and the wind picked up to 20 mph, gusts to 40. It was a fun ride home tonight.
Woke up to 11, then walked out to see this:


And they are still forecasting temps in the upper 40's in the near future.
Got 6" of snow yesterday, then the wind picked up and blew like mad. Shoveled out the driveway and called it a day.
Oh the pain oh the pain. We turned the furnace on last night for the first time in three weeks just to find out we are out of propane. Will be filling a tank tomorrow.
Keep posting the pictures of snow so I know what I am missing.


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Snow should be gone by soon, it's gonna get warm and wet on Wednesday. Could make for some fun driving on Thursday!

Good morning everyone, it’s been a little chilly here, lots of rain and windView attachment 20469
It was 26 Monday, about 40 yesterday, and 60 with the possibility of tornados today. Have not had a tornado in December in Minnesota, let's see if we can change that!

I get to drive back home from Minneapolis when the weather is supposed to get bad, 70mph winds, should be fun.

Stay warm, Cindy!
It's supposed to be 60 overnight and the wind is supposed to kick up. Wind advisory until tomorrow afternoon and the temps will be falling all day and end up back in the 30's
That was a fun drive home! It was fine until I was halfway home, then I got a magnificent light show with the lightning, followed by crazy head winds and a few monsoons for a few minutes each. The wind made my ride "bouncy". Still headed home in a mostly normal manner, did five over the limit 99% of the time, knowing the roads helped a bunch.

Now it's just cold. Winter seems to have returned, hopefully no snow for a while, I have to replace a fuel pump and get my Polara into storage.
Winter came back Friday night into Saturday with cold temps and light snow. Temp in the 30's today and the snow is still sticking around for a little bit