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It is starting

90 and humid today, but some thunderstorms rolled through this evening. Finally some decent rain, we really needed it.
Ida is here in PA!


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It rained this morning. Didn't need it. Wish I could send you some Cindy.
We had flood warning till noon. Did not see any flooding which was good.
Rained again all morning this morning also. Was hoping it would get dry enough that the truck could be gotten out of the yard next week. I need it to clean up a jobsite.
It cooled down this week, nice change from the hot humid weather last week. We need more rain again though
You evil wishers of more rain and I seem to get stuck with it. Send me some dry weather before the snow falls.
What a beautiful weekend. Some clouds yesterday morning, but the sun came out and I enjoyed a bonfire with some friends, on a nice cloudless night with the stars overhead. Sun shining today as I'm about to go change oil in my friends truck and his daughters car. I'll do the Fifth Avenue as well, weather kept me from doing it a few days ago. Then I have tonight and tomorrow to work on my cars.
Don't jinx it for me. Three days of sunshine with no rain insight.
Going to pickup the transmission for the Ford tomorrow. Hope to have it at least bolted to the block this week end.
Same here. Supposed to have more rain on the way next week. Hope to be prepping the Ford for the tranny install Monday tomorrow plus mowing more grass.
The wind blew in something last night, I fell asleep on the couch and took the dog out at beautiful star lite night. I take him out at 6:45 this morning and it overcast and looks like rain. I held down the couch most of the afternoon and sometime it started raining, now I hear thunder in the distance. The weatherman may be right, said 50% chance of thunderstorms
Pretty nice weekend when I could get outside.sunny and 80 yesterday, a little humid early. Today was low 70's and overcast, sun came out just north of my work as I left, and I missed the quick shower. Lows in the 50's, time is running out for outside projects.