Well-Known Member
Yes, the US made tools carry sticker shock, but when you need a REALLY good tool that won't let you down, go American. Many years ago I had to split a farm tractor to work on the power shift. I took it to a friend's shop because he had a concrete floor, which is pretty much a necessity when splitting a 15,500 lb tractor down the middle. The bolts holding the front and back half together were 3/4" diameter with a 16 point head. We used my friend's 1/2" drive deep well socket (3/4 or 13/16, can't remember) and the breaker bar, which was about 3 feet long (both SnapOn). On the end of the breaker bar we added a length of pipe, making the overall length of the lever around 6'. When tightening the bolts, they require 200 ft lbs of torque, so you know that loosening them took far more than that. My friend and I literally hung from the pipe, the breaker bar really flexed and when they broke loose, every one sounded like a gun going off. But the breaker bar and hinge pin took it and the socket never split, something that really surprised me. I just knew I was going to be buying him a new socket when we broke the first one. That made me a believer right there that when you really must have a good tool, don't consider the foreign made stuff, even the high dollar Asian stuff.