Bought the truck for salvage price & clear title, from local garage, for a grandpa/grandson project. Grandson moved on with his now pregnant girlfriend, work, and making his way in the world after graduating high school this year.
The truck has a blown/locked up 5.4L 3 valve interlocking engine, still 2 spark plugs (6&8) seized in PS head, and truck has 265,000+ miles on it, but still in decent shape. Has AZ State stickers on it, so we would assume rode hard & put up wet for most of its life, but still solid and would make a good camping rig.
The ambition was, for both of us to rebuild the engine, but now I would like to just get the engine swapped out. Anyone have good recommendations on best way scenario to do this, perhaps you have a wrecked truck with a running engine on your place, you would sell/barter the engine out of it?]
20231016_084958[/url] by]Scott Weckerly[/url], on Flickr]
20231016_084939[/url] by]Scott Weckerly[/url], on Flickr]
20231018_110448[/url] by]Scott Weckerly[/url], on Flickr]
20231016_085113[/url] by]Scott Weckerly[/url], on Flickr
The truck has a blown/locked up 5.4L 3 valve interlocking engine, still 2 spark plugs (6&8) seized in PS head, and truck has 265,000+ miles on it, but still in decent shape. Has AZ State stickers on it, so we would assume rode hard & put up wet for most of its life, but still solid and would make a good camping rig.
The ambition was, for both of us to rebuild the engine, but now I would like to just get the engine swapped out. Anyone have good recommendations on best way scenario to do this, perhaps you have a wrecked truck with a running engine on your place, you would sell/barter the engine out of it?]]]]