How true that is (about live being boring); for whatever reason I have the car addiction, I look at this truck and see what it should/could be and cannot help but want to start "fixing" things; mainly undoing the sins that were committed onto it throughout it's life, wires that don't go anywhere, extra long wires that are stuffed into a hole in the fender well just to reduce the length (yes this truck has that), etc. This truck will never be a high dollar vehicle, but I just can't stand to see it just left for dead, abused for no real good reason. I think I can say that every vehicle I have ever sold was far better than when I got it and more times that I want to admit I lost money on the deal without even thinking about my time. Good thing I am trying to run a business doing this, I'd loose my butt...
Spent part of the day trying to fix a leaky head pipe on the passenger side only to discover it is a blown exhaust gasket... got to love that.