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Anyone up and moving (coffee talk)

Funny how that works. Still got the templates? (snowball flying towards the sun)
Couldn't tell yah . Knowing me there probably under a pile of crap in the corner that I was supposed to clean up a year ago . lol
Yeah, there doesn't seem to be much bitching here. I pissed one guy off here cause I didn't know about the single headlight 79-80 grilles, he took my ignorance a little bit personal. Oh well.
Maybe he forgot to take his meds that day . :confused: :)
Well I'm up and moving, but I'm having beer, not coffe! Got done working another overtime shift to pay for a deck. Awesome. Halfway to paying for all of it. Next up is paying for the electrical upgrade to 200 amp service. Donations can be made at ineedalotofmoney@pleasehelpmepayforeverything.org or be mail to rural route 73 box 8 c/o broke fool.

I fell over some crap at work and landed on my surgically repaired kne! Ouch. And my palms. Feels good. I can still lift a beer and a glass filled with said beer, so the prescribed remedy is working. Day off, 2 on, one off, 3 on then 4 off. I might even get something done that I want to get done. The home office has been pretty relaxed about me not doing too much out of my comfort zone, so I can concentrate my efforts on my projects. Gonna have to do some work on the Dart during that time.:woot: And get bear to find those templates he made so many years ago:happy:
Didn't anyone ever tell you to watch where you're going? Now get busy on the Dart so you can make me look even lazier than I really am, (which is pretty lazy).
I think we would have a pretty close competition. Ask my girlfriend, she thinks I'm pretty damn lazy.
Definatly my one morning ritual here that and FABO in the am. Obviously the hops are slowing down here and rain for a week does not help either.
I had my cup of Joe, and moved on to a nice tasty Nut Brown Ale. So good I had another, and I'm about to enjoy one more.

How long does the Hops season last for you? Or the busier part?
Now I am busy six weeks digging rhizomes, fixing the drip irrigation straightening poles and new grow strings take the most labor. 500 or so of them to do. PIA Fall I just open the field to brewers to pick there own just not enough money in the hops themselves at my scale. Usually a interesting time get everyone from Vegans to state troopers picking at the same time and a lot of home brew consumption usually happens then.
There is a hop farm near me that I just found out about, might have mentioned it. 6/10s an acre going to grow to 2 acres. The owner of the local brewery told me last week.