Well-Known Member
So I just picked up this 96 Ram parts truck that I got for a good price, that has been partially parted out. Has a 5.9L, "supposedly" as the story goes it was a running engine, a previous owner swapped a different trans in and it wouldn't start after that. My brother just purchased an 85 Ramcharger that he would like to swap that 5.9 into. I would like to trouble shoot that engine before we do the swap. So on a 96 what is the minimal that needs to be hooked up to in order to get the computer to play ball. I know from experience on 98 models and newer you start disconnecting certain electronics unrelated to the engine running and it will cause the computer not to do anything. Although I have heard on these early 2nd gens they are a lot more simple. My thoughts are there is an electrical issue as to why the the engine doesn't run but before I go chasing that gremlin I want to be sure everything is here that needs to be electrically.