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1980 D150 Can it be lowered?


Active Member
May 14, 2016
Reaction score
Speedway, IN
Hello, I have a few general questions. First, I have dual headlights on my truck, but I see other 1980's with singles? What's up with that? I want to lower mine but As you know the axle is beneath the springs. I can't see lowering via shackles on the back, or is that how it is done? It is a long bed, 318, 4 spd. I love the truck but it needs to go low! Any input would be helpful. Thanks Larry
That year truck had either single or dual headlights. I don't remember seeing single headlights in an '80 and pissed off someone here when talking about it. Oh well, I guess I was planted firmly in my opinion but I was indeed wrong.

You can cut the springs but you only want to cut so much. You need to cut, heat then flatten the spring where you cut it. Pretty basic if you only cut an inch or two. Edit: You can also see if anyone is making drop spindles for trucks. One member used van control arms, but has ball joint issues now.

You might also need to lower the rear to level it out, maybe. I think it might have a slight rake to it for keeping it close to level when loaded. You could do that with lowering blocks in axle over spring, or putting the axle over the spring if it's under them currently.
Don't mean to cut in Mob . The answer to the first question is 79 and 80 both had either single round headlights and the quad lights . It depends on what was ordered on that truck when it was new . The second question about the lowering . For the rear , the best and most common way is an axle flip . Basically make it a spring under rather then what it is now which is a spring over . As for the front . No one is making a kit for the Dodges . So you've got a couple of choices . One is either a van or a 3/4 ton lower control arm ( Like Mob mentioned ) the second is a Dakota ( or maybe a van also ) spindle set up . Hope this helps OldFolk .
No problem Bear, more detailed info on the lights. And I learned about Dak spindles, I wondered a little about that.
There's one guy on here that has done this so many times I can't count . I've asked him a few times to do a tech thread on the subject but for some reason he hasn't yet . I wish he would because this has become one of those common questions .
Think OldFolks would like Tincups approac?
Maybe , but that's a whole other approach . But that build is definitely worth checking out , just for the build . :cool:
You can say that again ! I got to get over there sometime soon and check it out in person .

Thanks guys for the info. I see where you, Bear and LocoMob respond to many inquiries. I was just wondering about the lowering situation. I have taken a look at Tincup's stuff. Man that guy has some talent for sure. Several others on here are building some super cool trucks as well. I think I will look around and see what I can find. Maybe this winter I will put it in the garage and do the lowering. Again I thank you for the info and I will catch you later. Larry
Hi Larry,

The dual vs. single headlights on 1980s trucks depends on the trim level and year. Some models came with dual headlights, while others had singles. It was mostly a style and feature choice by the manufacturer.

For lowering your truck, since the axle is under the springs, you’ll need to do a flip kit in the rear. This moves the axle on top of the leaf springs, lowering the truck several inches. Shackles alone won’t drop it much.

For the front, you can use drop spindles or lowering springs. Spindles keep the ride smooth, while springs might make it a little stiffer. Some people also remove a leaf from the rear springs for extra drop, but it can affect load capacity.

Good luck lowering your truck!