Hye guys, just wanted to add something to the "thread"....well my exploder was starting to show some small marks of water droplets on the ground and thought Oh boy because we all know that "water" droplets aint normal (except A/C condensation)....well, I out it off long enough and it did get progressively worse and then decided to dive in and found out the thermostat housing was leaking. First thought is: who in their right mind would construct a high pressure and tension uit out of plastic just to save a few bucks and wieght?!?!? Well, I decided since im in there I might as well change out the hoses (bypass, etc.) and the sensors and of course the housing too, the housing is actually two seperate units. And after research, they are available as a complete unit (with top and bottom, gaskets, thermostat) from Dorman, etc. I also changed out the fan clutch, fan too, since the blades were cracking and about to some apart. Gosh, it wasnt a cheap job, just think about the poor souls out there that has to pay for labor, etc.?? lol.....anyway's, just wanted to share, and feel free to add and/or comment about this...