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New To Me Enclosed Trailer


Fluid Technician
Mar 20, 2015
Reaction score
Winnebago, Mn
Picked up this 14' enclosed trailer this weekend. I worked out a deal with my friend some months back, and he finally got it cleaned out, and dropped it off the other day.


Romeo checked it out, and he approves! He said the shade it made, was very nice and cool.

Main reason I got it, is to help clean and organize my crap I have laying around, everywhere! First I'll tackle the garage, then my storage units. I have enough parts hidden, that I need to group together. Sucks when you're looking for something and wrack your brain going through all the places you think they should be. So that's it's main purpose.

After that, who knows. I got it for a song and a dance, no way I could pull this transaction off again, so I don't want to sell it. My coworker will grab it in a heartbeat if I offer it up. It could be very handy picking up all kinds of things, or loading it up for a swap meet. Now that I have it, I'd rather keep it and not need it, vs need it and not have it.

A little grease in the hubs, some lube in the jack, and it'll be good for cross country duty if called for. It also could use some new door holder thingies, they have seen better days.
It will never be empty again the moment you put something in it. Might as well find some block. That's the way it goes most of the time.
It will never be empty again the moment you put something in it. Might as well find some block. That's the way it goes most of the time.
I have plenty of room in one of my storage units. I also plan on getting a section or two of industrial shelving to get stuff off the ground, and make the list of my available space.
Nice, now that you have it I bet you will wonder how you ever got along without it. I need to get my shed organized, I feel your pain
I need to get my shop cleaned out. Over 50% of what's in there is not vehicle related. But instead house materials.
I am not sure why life need to continue to get in the way. Maybe wearing the body out on others stuff making a living had something to do with it.
One thing that life has proven. No matter how much storage I have it will get filled up.
just remember that trailer is only for transport. Nothing stays in it very long and if it's the only place available for stuff it will remain there. That you can count on.
I need to get my shop cleaned out. Over 50% of what's in there is not vehicle related. But instead house materials.
I am not sure why life need to continue to get in the way. Maybe wearing the body out on others stuff making a living had something to do with it.
One thing that life has proven. No matter how much storage I have it will get filled up.
just remember that trailer is only for transport. Nothing stays in it very long and if it's the only place available for stuff it will remain there. That you can count on.
Oh yeah, don't need a new home for parts that will never leave. I have two metal workbenches I got a few years back, those will go in the garage. Then I can use the counter top holding parts, for something else, or just get rid of it. I'll also be able to use the sheet of plywood for who knows what, it is a nice table though! That will get me another foot or two of room between the front and side of the car, and the wall. The metal workbenches are also taller, that will help my back a bunch. Plus they have a small shelf with cubbies on top that I can store commonly used stuff in.

I also have four cupboards I can put up that will get even more stuff off the tables or floor. I should really go buy some industrial shelving for the storage units, then I'd have a proper place to move all the extra parts to right away, and avoid that potential trap of them staying in the trailer for life. But that's money I don't have right now, but I'll be up in the cities on Tuesday, I really should if I can. I'll have to call the stepson and see if I can borrow his truck, I'd hate to put on 300 miles with no power steering on my '98. I'm going backwards, I need to fix my fleet, but I have to dig out from the mess that's formed in the last year and change. And deal with the parts cars, need to harvest some metal from them. And it's looking like insulation won't happen this year, too much money going to the wagon.