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Who does Models? Dodge & all

-you guys are lucky! I did models a LOT back in the late 80's and into the mid to late 90's.. lost ALL of the 300 to 500 models I had in a house fire, EXCEPT my HO scale train collection. and one model........ my "Original" built/restored MPC/Warner Bros, Promotional Model of the General Lee dating back to the 1981 season of the Dukes of Hazzard...... I still havethis model to this very day! NOW..... getting back into the models a bit heavier then I was before, I MIGHT have, 75 models total......

I'll NEVER get back what I lost (I KNOW I won't! Not for what the MPC '70's Dodge trucks are going for when I paid $5.00 NEW back then! I had about 30 of them. of all the ways MPC made them...... I can't even begin to say how many models of the '70 Dodge Coronet I lost...... Makes me SICK to even think of it.... BUT NOW however, I'm having as much enjoyment building them to my "NEW" higher standard as tho I was back then!

I just wished I could cough up a '76 Dodge "Tradesman" van..... My Uncle had one, and sadly I just lost him due to Agent Orange that hes been fighting since about 2005..... I remember that van as he had it BACK when I was originally building models, and I had a couple and said I was gonna model his ole Van, never got too, and he never got to see it done.... GO FIGURE!

(there ARE other models I'd love to find again, to build BUT thats a long shot) I HAD an MPC '71 Demon too! Lost that damn thing in the fire.... I remember that one as it was then the last model I worked on that was to become my Dad's fathers (my Grandpap) car, that my Dad wrecked (He's a FELON for it too!) LOL That Rallye red Demon was a damn nice car too 340 6 pack, hell yeah! Sigh..... I'm planning to collect some parts, to make it again, and FINISH it this time! I got a '71 Duster 340, that if I change the grille and the hood, I ought to be good to go!

I almost HATE thinkin back to it..... what I could have right now if I tried a little harder to get them all in-hand.... BUT hind-sight was 20/20.....
Hey John, do you need more parts send to copy in resin? I'm not doing anything with my models figured you could copy all kinds of stuff.
I collect dealer promotional model cars... Mopar Muscle Cars basically 1965 - 1975
Like this :)
I'm getting back into this after a 45-year hiatus. Prices sure have increased over the years, but still cheaper than building the real thing, + it's relaxing, most of the time.
The Charger model is an awesome build. Not for the kids. Very challenging & worth the trouble. I like the car haulers in this post too. I just might cobble one of those together myself.
A Dodge cab of course. A lot of great pics here. Glad I checked it out.

