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Need help - 78 Dodge W200 400 bb - bracket locations and bolts for throttle linkage and other brackets on top end of engine


May 31, 2024
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Anywhere in the USA
It pains me to have to admit this - I though I took more care to keep everything organized..

While doing exhaust work on my truck I had to take off the heads (which means intake, valley pan, throttle linkage, other bracket/s also) to get broken exhaust studs extracted. When I went to reassemble the engine later I ran into a problem finding all the bolts, understanding where some of the brackets go, and identifying what bolts go where (of the ones I did have). My engine is the type with a valley pan and the intake design that goes with that and the Chilton's manual diagrams seem to be for the other style of intake. I'm going to look again in other places in that manual; but, so far, I haven't found anything in there that shows the location of throttle linkage brackets and other brackets that came off during the disassembly. Also I need to be sure I use (or buy replacements of) the proper bolts for the place that they go - proper dimensions / length / design and match the right ones to where they really go. So far I've managed to find / identify the following bolts..

- Valve cover bolts (12)
- Valley pan bolts?
- Intake manifold bolts?

The heads are back on already so that's out of the way. All 6 bolts that I think go to the front / back of the valley pan are the same length BUT there is a bracket that uses 2 of the holes in the front of the valley pan that is maybe 1/8 inch thick - I'm not sure of those 2 bolts should be longer than the others (see pic)? I don't remember them being longer but it kinda makes sense. The intake manifold requires 8 bolts (4 on each side) but I can only find 7 (that I THINK are for that). Those ones have a piloted tip (no threads on the very tip of the bolt until about 1/4 inch up). The thing is there's a bracket for throttle linkage that I THINK goes on the rear most manifold bolt hole (driver side) but I'm not sure. It is also maybe 1/8 inch thick - same thing - I'm not sure if that one bolt needs to be longer? Again, I think I remember them all being the same size; but, IF that's where the bracket goes, it kinda makes sense that that bolt MIGHT be longer than the others? I'm also unsure how the manifold is to be oriented. There is a place next to the carb studs on the intake manifold with 2 holes (so something bolts there??) - LORD HAVE MERCY!

I'm either missing bolts, missing a proper understanding (for sure), or mis-identifying where bolts go. Probably a combination of all of that. I've got to get the ol' girl back together though.

I'm in a real pickle guys. I'd really appreciate any help you can give me. If any of those holes are blind holes I don't want to damage my block or heads by using the wrong length bolt (if I have to buy replacement) and I don't want to use too short of any bolt and have it not hold securely.


Picture above taken before removal. That bracket and valley pan are currently off the vehicle. Picture was taken from the driver side of the truck (the distributor sits at the front of the engine and is pointing toward the passenger side).


I think the numbers stamped on the manifold go toward the front of the engine. That would make the two holes next to the carb studs be on the passenger side (not the throttle linkage side) in that case I would be unsure what goes there. Also bracket sticking up forward of the stamped numbers I am not sure what that is for.
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Six smaller bolts go on the valley pan rails, front and back of engine. The seven (8 is what you need) bolts are for the intake manifold and the throttle cable/kickdown bracket will go to the back two hole in the intake manifold, no different length between the 8 bolts. The intake should go with the numbers to the front, the choke well is on the passenger side, and those two bolts in the picture, are for your coil bracket to mount to. It's a fairly simple and straightforward installation, there's really not much to it. You've got this, just find your missing intake bolt, and you're set. I don't know what the bracket on the front valley pan rails is for, but I haven't dealt with a '78 spec engine.
Don't reuse the old valley pan. It's a one time use. There should be two rails for the valley pan about 1x8x1/8" one on each end. Without those the pan will not seal.
Pictures of the remaining parts would help.
I suspicion this is not the factory setup. But with pictures I believe we can help you get it back together.
Six smaller bolts go on the valley pan rails, front and back of engine. The seven (8 is what you need) bolts are for the intake manifold and the throttle cable/kickdown bracket will go to the back two hole in the intake manifold, no different length between the 8 bolts. The intake should go with the numbers to the front, the choke well is on the passenger side, and those two bolts in the picture, are for your coil bracket to mount to. It's a fairly simple and straightforward installation, there's really not much to it. You've got this, just find your missing intake bolt, and you're set. I don't know what the bracket on the front valley pan rails is for, but I haven't dealt with a '78 spec engine.

Ty. Appreciate the info. It's starting to come back to me now. Do you think that using one new bolt (intake) along with 7 used bolts would be an issue? Don't bolts stretch over time? Also - any idea what that bracket sticking straight up in the air sticking out the front of the intake is for? Is that related to some wire harness for plug wires or something?
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Don't reuse the old valley pan. It's a one time use. There should be two rails for the valley pan about 1x8x1/8" one on each end. Without those the pan will not seal.
Pictures of the remaining parts would help.
I suspicion this is not the factory setup. But with pictures I believe we can help you get it back together.

Kinda makes sense what was described so I'll see what I can do with that info. I saw before that there's a long standing debate whether you can re-use a valley pan or not. Mine is really pretty straight so I was hoping I could get away without spending the extra cash (I'm pretty strapped right now).
Ty. Appreciate the info. It's starting to come back to me now. Do you think that using one new bolt (intake) along with 7 used bolts would be an issue? Don't bolts stretch over time? Also - any idea what that bracket sticking straight up in the air sticking out the front of the intake is for? Is that related to some wire harness for plug wires or something?
Yes it holds the plug wires.
You can use a new bolt with the old ones. The intake manifold doesn't need a ton of torque to tighten.
Wellll.. I THINK I got er' (so far as brackets goes). Got the intake on there anyway. Now I ran into a little uncertainty about the valve cover bolts I have. Sooo.. what happened is I seem to have 2 valve cover bolts that are a little longer than the rest. One fastener on the passenger side is a stud with a nut (don't ask me why - it was just like that to begin with). I'm fairly certain that the two longer bolts are supposed to be there but I'm not sure which location they go in. I'm guessing there would be one longer one for each valve cover. I'll attach pics but so far my clues / reasoning are thus..

  • There are a total of 12 holes to be fastened (6 for each valve cover)
  • One (on the passenger side) is a stud that takes a nut - this brings us to 11 remaining
  • The valve covers (original came with the truck) are painted blue.
  • Both of the longer bolts have some spots of blue paint on the head
  • Of the 9 shorter bolts only 3 have no visible blue paint on them (but they match in size / length to the other short bolts that do have paint remnants on the heads)
  • So there is blue paint remnants on the heads of most short bolts and the heads of the 2 longer bolts
I swear to God I made detailed notes and pics of all this when I was disassembling but I can not find them now. Does anyone know what location the longer bolts are supposed to go in or can make some sense of this?



Cool Thanks. I ended up just winging it and making something work. I bought new - longer ones - for the 4 spots in the middle (both sides) but used the shorter ones I had on the ends (both sides). It's probably not the way its supposed to be but it seems to work. I had to get going on it and move forward. I don't really see any diagram giving info about it or any text describing it but that is a super cool resource to have.