I have a contact that has various years of sweptline.trucks a few mostly complete, but mostly parts trucks. I'll try to get by his place for some pictures. They are located in south, Centrial CA. If intrested let me know and we will work from there, Thanks Steve
Hello all i feel the need to give Mr. Moparlouie a Very Big shout out and thanks for the great parts he sold and shipped me.Thank You Lou.
Im doing this because he went as far as building a custom box and padded the 2 65 headlight rings that are "Bitchen".and a nice steering wheel in the same...
Hello all
I need to remove the inner door handle
can anyone enlighten me to the prosess please?
Just Found out about a pin thru the handle and hardware going to try to remove tomorrow. Thanks :)
Hello all,
I looking for a 1965 ish 904 alum auto transmission case with the A100 trans mount. I believe im asking for a Unicorn but you never know. I have an A100 la V8 trans but its a 727.
Any help? Thanks in advance. I'm uploading a picture of the V8 trans for info of the mount.
Hello everyone,
I have a need for the engine mount bracket for the passenger side of a 1964 slant six D 100.
Its the short contoured bracket.
If you have one, please pm me and let me know a price and shipping to Bakersfield California.
Thanks, Steve
I'm going to post a picture of it, if i can...
Hello all,
I'm looking for one of the bucket set frames that came in the 54- 56 maybe other years Town Panels. I have one but would like to see if i can find one for the passenger side.
It's a low back solid barrel style with a spring cushion bottom. Anybody have one ? Thank's, Steve
Hello everyone,
I found some dodge dog dish hubcaps.
Now I'm looking to see what's available in 15"- 5 on 4.5 lug pattern. I'm looking for two similar to the one in my picture. It has the spring clips for the dog dish style caps. I don't believe the width is going to be much wider than 4.5 -...
Anyone have the hood Fratzog emblem for the Dodge Sweptline series, 69ish, 70&71?
The one that has a pointer that lays from the emblem to around a couple of inches back on the hood top? I believe the Adventure model got some on their hoods.
Anyone have one?
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